All classes were recorded via GoogleMeet and saved into a private drive which is what you will have access to. Below I will indicate how many of each class is available for replay. There will be options to access ALL of the classes or just one stream (mamaHIIT or momSTRONG). It is not fancy, or perfect - but they are FUN and HARD and made for the person who finds it easier to show up and get it done with some direction.
1) mamaHIIT is our sweaty, heart-pumping workout. It is 30-40 minutes in length and includes a short warm-up, conditioning (AMRAPS, EMOMS, Tabata’s, Circuits). This class uses mainly dumbbells and bodyweight. Occasionally we do step ups so a set of stairs or sturdy bench/chair can be helpful and a theraband or mini band can come in handy. While this class is “high intensity” - the truth is you can make it what you want or need. Speed/Load it up, or slow it down. Do less. Do more. Hit pause and take a longer break. It’s ALL good. It’s YOUR workout, after all. There ARE some impact exercises but typically an alternative is provided if that isn’t a great choice for your body, right now. While this class is not specific to pregnancy, it was not uncommon for pregnant folks, myself included to take part (and LOVE IT). I do not suggest this class for the early postnatal population until you have re-established your foundation for fitness.
2) momSTRONG is our ORIGINAL class. Previously only offered in person, we pivoted and moved online in January of 2021. This class runs ~ 45 minutes. Each class includes a warm-up, strength focused sets followed by heart-raising circuits, finished up often with some core/ab specific training and a quick stretch. While it is programmed for the postpartum folks, don’t mistake it for easy because of that. All exercises are modifiable - meeting you where you are at. I have plenty of new Mamas who access momSTRONG and many who are years post baby who still benefit from a class such as this. Dumbbells, a band, mat and sturdy chair or bench are required.
Please allow 3 days after completing your order to receive access to the drive(s). If you want access sooner - no problem - just send me a message via IG @onetoughmamafitness and I will get it handled quickly. Please note - these drives work best with an @gmail Email address.
Registration for these classes will remain open through August 6th - at which point I will close access to NEW CLIENTS only (those that have previously enrolled in ON-DEMAND will have no disruption in their service) temporarily simply to limit pressure to be constantly checking orders with a wee little one to care for. If you want access beyond that please contact me to be sure I don’t miss your order! (Thank you so much for your understanding!)
Sign me up! Choose your level of access below! Get Access to ON DEMAND